Sandra Alfredsson

Direct response &
Email copywriting

Email list management

I'll help you:

  • Compose emails in your authentic brand voice that build a strong relationship with your list.

  • Turn non-paying subscribers into fans that are excited to buy your offers.

  • Send emails that are so good people will be disappointed when you skip a day.

  • Make consistent, predictable sales all year round - without constantly launching new products or taking your existing ones off the market.

  • Segment your list the right way - resulting in more sales.

  • Implement the best know-how to avoid the spam folder.

Personal brand copy

People can smell it from a mile away

The inauthenticity.
People’s bullsh*t radar has never been better.
And their attention? Never been worse.

Re-engage your audience


– Strike a chord with your audience– Mirror your brand's unique tone perfectly– Seriously ramp up your salesAnd the best part? You won’t have to lift a finger.Leave the nitty-gritty to me, so you can shine at what you do best.

Direct response email copywriting

I'll make your subscribers:

– Smash the buy button like a game of whack-a-mole– Sign up for your offer faster than a cat on a hot tin roofI'll take care of the emails so you can focus on getting new customers through the door.

Who am I?

About me

Hi 👋🏼, I’m Sandra :)I’m a freelance copywriter and marketer from the southern parts of Sweden.(No, I’ve never met ABBA, and I’m really not at IKEA every day... but that is me in front of Pippi Longstocking's house.)Working with email marketing and sales funnels is definitely a passion of mine.If I’m not busy writing fun emails for you, you'll likely find me snuggled up on the couch with my better half, binge-watching the newest hits on Netflix.

Want a free audit?

Let's chat

Send me an email and I’ll be in touch shortly :)



Copywriter at

Sandra's use of storytelling and vivid imagery brings content to life. She has a unique ability to focus on the reader, crafting messages that break down advanced concepts into bite sized chunks. Her persuasive writing is powerful and compelling, driving engagement and action. If you're looking for a copywriter who can connect with your audience and deliver impactful results, Sandra is the one you need.

Vincent Sordo

Email Copywriter For Business Coaches

Still here?


Book a free call with me or send me an email - I'll be in touch shortly :)